Groundhog Day

Not many people give Groundhog Day much thought. But next year, maybe you should! This giant "groundhog" is actually a No-bake cookie that i molded into a groundhog. I lined it with chocolate frosting....


...but it doesn't end there. Growing up, my mom always made sausage for breakfast on Groundhog day (hence the literal meaning GROUND- HOG). Anyway, this year I decided to go the extra mile. This photo is hard to discern, but it's supposed to be a groundhog looking out of it's hole. I made a "sun" with an egg, a "hole" with a pancake, a "groundhog" with sausage, and "the ground" with hash browns. My family loved it. 

 Valentines Day

We all remember the Valentine boxes we made in elementary why not implement the same idea in your own home? I made this box with my daughter. We wrapped an old cardboard box with a brown paper bag. The hearts were cut out of junk mail envelopes. My two-year-old loved to help tape everything together. In the morning, the box was filled with little treats. She loved it! 

Wreaths are perfect for any occasion! Take an old wire hanger, mold it into a shape, and add fabric. This Valentine heart was made with tulle and fabric. I have seen them made with ribbon as well. Mix and match. Make one for every holiday! 

 For this dessert I simply made a frosting by whipping a can of store-bought frosting and a container of whipped cream together. I put the frosting inside a cake decorating bag . I then poked the tip of the bag  in the top of the cupcake and filled it with the filling. I frosted the top of the cupcake with the same filling, adorned it with a sliced strawberry, and drizzled the top with melted chocolate chips.


St. Patrick's Day

At out house, leprechauns leave footprints and clovers on the floor at night. When my kids wake up, they follow the footprints to find a fun treat!


When it comes to holidays, the no-fail food is pancakes. Dye them, and shape them in fun ways!

Think green! 

I painted clovers on little wood squares and glued them to a wreath.

 April Fool's Day

While growing up, for April Fool's Day, my mom would always reverse the order of our meals. So, for breakfast we'd have pizza, burgers, lasagna, or something along that line. For dinner we would then have a breakfast. I've tried some other fun ideas. The first picture is of April Fools sushi. All I did was make rice crispy treats and stuffed them with dried fruit. I then wrapped them with fruit leather and used a toothpick to hold them together. 

April Fools hot dog and fries. It's banana smothered in dyed peanut butter served on a bun. The fries are sliced apples. 

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